Thursday, October 31, 2019

Competition Commission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Competition Commission - Essay Example This protects the economy and consumers from unnecessary or unreasonable exploitation. The CC serves as a competition regulator under the BIS i.e. Business innovation and skills department. History and development The Competition Commission was created through the influence of the Competition Act 1998. Most of the powers of CC were governed by the Enterprise Act 2002. The CC replaced MMC (monopolies and mergers commission) in 1999. The powers and influence of the competition commission were enhanced. The commission was given the independence to make decisions and recommendations to the government after investigations. The commission makes enquiries and recommends the appropriate remedies arising from competition on the market. The Competition Commission is a public body. The commissions have been charged with a responsibility to ensure that major industries are regulated and a healthy competitive and fair relationship exists between companies, economy and consumers. The enquiry must be referred to the Competition Commission by other selected authorities. This ensures that the Competition Commission deals with merited cases.... The government aims at launching a more efficient body i.e. CMA (competition market authority) by the year 2014. This development shields the consumers from unhealthy business practices like monopolises that exploit consumers. Mission and aims Mission: working to create a better future every day. This includes developing new ways of conducting business leading to increases revenues while reducing environmental impact. Aims: Working with integrity Creating a positive impact in the society Doubling the size of the company while creating a better future Management structure and leadership Communication has a two-tire hierarchical management structure. The commission has a chief executive who works with a seven directors. The commission has strong legal advisors and enquiry teams to ensure all the stakeholders has direct access to the referral authorities when in needed of redress. The leadership has professional skills in corporate management and economic analysis (Bercusson & Estlund 2 008). The commission has set out a management structure capable of fostering faster decision making. The leadership and management structure is flexible in its response to external stimulus and stakeholder concerns. The structure makes it easier to relay advisory or arbitration information. Leadership team is empowered by the legislature to make strategic decisions based on the information from the market. Commission management must facilitate inclusive decision making and encourage teamwork (Leisering 2011). The information technology department must have the capacity to install platforms that enable the CEO to link with other directors within the commission. The management structure and leadership of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Social survey Essay Example for Free

Social survey Essay Diabetes is the seventh major cause of death in the United States of America. Diabetes is a condition that arises from the inability of the body to produce insulin or to utilize it appropriately. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for converting blood glucose into a more body friendly form called glycogen. When the body’s ability to convert glucose to glycogen is compromised there is an increase in the blood glucose levels. This is detrimental to the health of an individual because, it causes extensive damage to the blood capillaries resulting to a myriad of other diseases. These include blindness, kidney diseases, amputation of the limbs especially the lower extremities and heart diseases (Aubert, 1995). In 2008, CDC announced that more than 23 million individuals who live in the US have been diagnosed with diabetes. This depicts a three million increase over a period of two years. In addition to this, more than fifty seven million Americans have pre diabetes. More than five million people in the United States have diabetes and they do not know it. This means that doctors often diagnose it when it is too late. This results to the large number of deaths that arise from it (Joslin, 2008). The prevalence of diabetes among minority populations is even higher due to the social inequalities they experience when it comes to medical care. Genetical make up has also been associated with diabetes (Cheta, 1999). African Americans have a 60% higher chance when compared to Caucasians while Hispanics are the most predisposed with more than 90% increased chance. On average, Hispanics have twice the risk of developing diabetes as compared to the white population. Native Americans and Alaskan Natives living in America had extremely alarming rates with more than 16% of the entire population suffering from diabetes. These rates are also evident in children especially teenagers. Researchers identified that in the children they assessed form 1990 to 1995; more than 30% had pre diabetes. This is mainly due to the changes in lifestyle with most American children living sedentary lives with little or no physical exercise. There is a very high correlation between obesity, diabetes, coronary diseases and hypertension among all the ages in the American population. All effort must be therefore geared towards campaigns that will inform and create awareness among the American population especially the young so that there can be a lifestyle revolution to uproot these diseases from the society (Krasnegor, 1990). There is an increase in the efforts of the government and the health practitioners to reduce these rates especially among the younger generation. The best approach is to create awareness to the population regarding diabetes and create collective responsibility that will hopefully result to behavior change. In addition to this the government has been putting a lot of effort to impart knowledge among the citizens on the best methods of managing diabetes (Betteridge, 2000). This study will assess the information that the youth have regarding the causes and prevention of diabetes. Statement of the Problem According to the CDC results, diabetes rates have continued to soar over the last two years. There is an increased incidence at the rate of diabetes in children. Majority of the children in America have pre diabetes, a condition that largely predisposes them to diabetes. Regardless of the race and the social status diabetes, needs to be addressed by everyone. This social survey is therefore very timely as it seeks to find out how much information the youth have regarding to preventing and managing diabetes and how much of these strategies they are implementing on their day to day activities. In order to bring these high rates of diabetes down, it is important to assess the lifestyle of the teenage population and how much information they have regarding the control and the management of diabetes. From these findings the government can prescribe the most effective way of addressing the situation. Objectives of the study †¢ To assess how much information the American teenagers have regarding diabetes. †¢ To determine whether the youth are actively participating in fighting diabetes. †¢ To compare the information that teenagers from different races have. †¢ To determine how much teenagers are emulating from their parents in regard to exercise and diet Research questions How many American teenagers know about the relationship between obesity, coronary diseases, hypertension and diabetes? How many Americans teenagers have been diagnosed with diabetes? Are American teenagers aware of the causes of diabetes? Who American teenagers think as the most likely age group to have diabetes? How much correct information do American teenagers have concerning diabetes? Are American teenagers doing anything to prevent diabetes? 23 million individuals who live in the US have been diagnosed with diabetes. This depicts a three million increase over a period of two years. In addition to this, more than fifty seven million Americans have pre diabetes. More than five million people in the United States have diabetes and they do not know it. This means that doctors often diagnose it when it is too late. This results to the large number of deaths that arise from it (AMA, 2007). Minority populations have experienced majority of these increases. Mexican populations that reside in the United States researchers have reported a sharp increase in child hood diabetes. Researchers have long blamed genetic make up for this predisposition although a recent study indicated that the high blood pressure rates in African Americans are not reflected in West Africa where they originated from. This means that lifestyle is mainly to blame for the predisposition. Obesity is similarly higher in the Hispanic and African American populations. It is the major factor that is triggering the high rates of diabetes and high blood pressure. Research has indicated that the rates of obesity are rapidly increasing among young children and adolescents. African Americans Caucasians and Hispanics teenagers are the most predisposed to diabetes. On average, Hispanics have twice the risk of developing diabetes as compared to the white population. Native Americans and Alaskan Natives living in have also experienced high diabetes rates among their children. This can be attributed to changes in lifestyle with most American children living sedentary lives with little or no physical exercise (Zaidi, 2007). In a study conducted in the late 1990s researchers observed that more than 20% of white girls were overweight. The percentages were even higher in the African-American and Hispanic groups with the black community soaring highest at 31%. These children had high serum cholesterol levels, were hypertensive and had type 2 diabetes at the early stages. What this translates to is that the younger generation will most likely be predominantly obese. As a result, they are more prone to more cardiovascular diseases. These results suggested that children are becoming diabetic at earlier ages (Finucane, 2008). The changes in lifestyle have led most households to live sedentary lives. The predisposition to diabetes is primarily as a result of poor exercise and high caloric intake. A study on the lifestyle trends of the Hispanic population concluded that of the population that was interviewed more than three quarters participated in inadequate or no physical recreational activity. There is also the tendency for children to learn from emulating role models. In the life of a child the role models are usually the family members. A child who comes from a home or a society where exercise is undermined and rarely done will likely also develop a passive lifestyle that will be carried over to adult life (Moran, 2004) There is familial incidence of diabetes. This means that children of diabetic parents are more likely to suffer from diabetes than those form non diabetic patients. From the CDC statistics of 2008, researchers concluded that a quarter of the population above sixty years had diabetes (Colwell, 2003). Gestational diabetes which is prevalent in pregnant women has also been associated with the vulnerable races. In addition, a more determining factor to this is obesity with more overweight pregnant women getting it during pregnancy. Since we all learn from emulating the society, there is need to advocate for collective responsibility so as to eradicate these preventable diseases. By targeting the teenagers as the most influential and vulnerable generation the government can ensure that the future population is making better health conscious decisions. Mode of data collection I will conduct a cross sectional survey research. I will use questionnaires in particular will use face to face interviews. Face to face interviews are effective since they will allow me to use open ended questions. They will also allow the interpretation of complex issues depending on the age of the respondent. They have also been proved to be more effective than other modes since they encourage a more participation and the interviewee learns more. They also encourage the use of visual aids in the interviews (Fowler, 1995). Self completion actively involves the respondent and motivates them to complete as opposed to the other modes. Questionnaires allow the researcher to use longer survey instruments making the research more intensive than the other types of data collection. Respondents have shown a better liking to in person interviews and are more likely to cooperate and answer honestly (Czaja Blair, 2005). However, they are more expensive and prohibit large studies. They are also time consuming taking up a lot of time for data collection. Due to variance altering due to the design effect they require follow ups which are also expensive and time consuming. They also require personnel who are familiar with the locality under study (Czaja Blair, 2005). Because this study involves teenagers as the respondents, face to face interviews would be better so that their cooperation is increased. Sample frame My target population is American teenagers between the age of thirteen and eighteen. This is too large so I will use a smaller working population by restricting the study to one state and in particular one county. After seeking appropriate permission I will use administrative records from the local high schools to create a database of the available population. To remove bias, random numbers will be assigned to each potential respondent and from these numbers random sampling will be done (Hakim, 1987). Since this is a survey research I intend to collect information from respondents themselves. Due to the financial constraints and logistics, I will target on a smaller sample size of one thousand high school students. They will include both female and male teenagers from all the representative American communities. Sampling technique My study population is American teenagers between the age of thirteen and eighteen. This is the most appropriate age because they are making changes and choices for themselves. They are under less parental control. This is a crucial age and most pre diabetic children will be diagnosed at this stage. I intend to use a simple random sample of teenagers between the age of thirteen and nineteen attending local high schools. Random sampling has the benefit of removing bias. It is simple to design and execute and is applicable to any population. Errors of either type one or type two, occur in research. However random sampling allows the easy estimation of these errors and allows the researcher to collect unbiased information. However random sampling is cumbersome for large estimates and highly inconvenient when large populations are being studied (Czaja Blair, 2005). Ethical issues Since my study will involve underage children I will have to seek consent from the guardians and the relevant authorities. As with all studies that involve human beings I will have to ensure that before collection of data, permission will be sought from the respective guardians and the schools so as to obtain information regarding the teenagers. Information regarding the purpose of the study will be frankly explained to both the guardian and the teenager (Punch, 1999). In addition the teenagers’ permission will be crucial and will be sought before the interview. Only with the consent of all involved parties will data collection take place (Vaus, 2002). The study has considered the impact of the research to the teenagers on a later date as a result all the expendable personal information has been removed from the questionnaires. This has removed the risk of exposing the child to psychological, social, financial and physical harm. The study will be conducted anonymously. Confidentiality will be upheld and will only be available to the researchers. In addition the teenagers actual information will not be used anywhere apart from the process of randomization (Vaus, 2002). The researchers will leave the guardians and the teenagers with contact information incase there is further need for clarification even after data collection. The researcher will request for information and not offer threats or bribes in exchange of data. The refusal by any of the teams to cooperate even after due explanation will lead to exemption of the respondent (Cannell etal, 1981) At no time will the rights of the respondent be disregarded. These are the right to privacy and the right to respect meaning that the conduct of the researcher will be professional and courteous at all times (Dijkstra etal, 1982). The information regarding the client will not be diverged. The right of the respondent to choose whether to answer and how to answer will be observed as well as the right to safety. In addition the clients’ right to be to be informed, the right to be heard and to redress will also be observed and the researcher will give all the information the respondent will enquire regarding the study.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Positive side of stubbornness in children

Positive side of stubbornness in children Specific purpose: to inform my audience about the positive side of stubbornness in children, the causes of stubbornness, and how to deal with stubborn children. Central idea: stubbornness in children is a repeatedly every day issue and people should take an action and try to understand it very well in order to resolve the problem. Introduction: As we are all university students, few more years from today, some of us will probably be married and have a kid or two. Did it ever occur to you: how are you going to raise your children? Or how are you going to be able to handle and deal with your stubborn child? Imagine with me few more years from now; you are at your friends house having a good time, while both your children are playing together. You realized its time for you to go back home. You tell your child its time to go, but he/she refuses to leave and begs you to stay a little longer. So you give your child five extra minutes, and when its time, you face the same problem of refusing again. At some point or another, each parent reaches to a battle with their own children, yet not many parents knows how to deal with their childrens stubbornness and how to handle such situations right. All parents want their children to be well behaved and know whats right from wrong, but this goal is not always easy to accomplish, especially when the child is stubborn. I myself have been in so many similar situations with my nephews and nieces, where I didnt really know how to react. I read some books and did further research to know more about the topic of stubbornness in children. The word Stubborn as defined in Cambridge Dictionary: describes someone who is determined to do what they want and refuses to do anything else. Today I would like to inform you about the positive side of stubbornness in children, the causes of this matter, and the ways to deal with the problem. (Transition: Lets start with looking at the issue from a positive perspective.) Body: Stubbornness in children might not always be a bad sign of behavior; instead it could be helpful somehow. Lets take a look at the bright side of stubbornness in children. A childs stubbornness could possibly be his/her way of representing that they can think for themselves and that they can emphasize on their own opinions and believes. Stubbornness makes children feel that they have a certain level of control over some situations, which psychologically will boost up their self esteem. It is a way for them to learn how to express their own thoughts, have choices, and have power over certain things. When a child recognizes that he/she might have an option and they act on it; that shows a great deal of development and intelligence. For instance: instead of giving commands to your child which can be replied with a no answer, you can give him/her the freedom of two choices that you choose. So instead of Dont jump on the bed, a parent can try saying You can either sit on the bed or jump on the floor, which one would you like? Giving your children a little bit of control over their environment and the choices that they can make, is very empowering for them and very helpful to the parents as well. (Transition: Now that you know that stubbornness isnt necessarily negative, lets look at the causes of stubbornness in children.) There are number of reasons that cause stubbornness in children, some are: Marital Disputes: Families that are dominated by tensions, have a highly strong emotion, and have a poor marital relationship lead children to tension and disturbance; which will cause the children anger and stubbornness. In some cases marital disputes might generate cases of mental disorders. Rocking in the attitudes of parents: parental authority in evaluating their childrens behavior should be fixed and non contradictory between one time and another. Parents shouldnt be tough at a certain case some time and then be lenient with the same exact case some other time or vice versa. Moreover, parents should have an agreement and put up clear laws and regulations for their children to follow; those rules should be clear and concise. For example, when a child asks his father something and the father refuses, the child probably will go and ask or beg his mother so that she can say yes to that particular thing the child asked for, which will generate some level of stubbornness in the child by time when each parent has a different word. Jealousy between siblings: another cause of stubbornness in children might be because they are jealous of their siblings. A lot of children feel jealous of their brothers and sisters, especially when the parents get a new born baby. The child may start to feel that he/she has lost the love of their parents and they might also feel that the newborn baby took away all the attention and care. Last but not least, an obedient child might suddenly become stubborn. And that can be only a grabbing attention behavior, and the minute parents make time for their child, the stubbornness behavior is not repeated. (Transition: Given the causes of stubbornness in children, Im sure you would probably be wondering what the ways to deal with this issue are.) There are many ways to handle stubbornness in children: Rule number one is to always stay calm but firm whenever your child is being stubborn. Dont try to solve the problem by shouting. The key is to remain calm, and never allow your child to cause your temper to boil over. You should be the authoritative voice in the situation. As Mrs. Joanna Al Khayat, who holds a bachelor of arts in social science majoring in child psychology from Boston University, suggests; setting up a daily routine life into your childrens lives might be helpful for they get to be able to distinguish what is expected from them. For instance: setting up meal times, bath time, and bed time. Mrs. Al Khayat also adds that allowing some space to your children will enhance their ability of making their own decisions or forming an opinion and deciding for themselves, its also an important aspect of the childs character development. For instance: giving your child the freedom of choosing which cartoon he/she prefers to watch wont cause any harm and will satisfy their needs. However, when your child persist on doing something harmful, like playing with a knife for example, your child must understand that you, as a parent, should have the final word in decision making. Another way of overcoming stubbornness in children is that parents must probably set some boundaries and guidelines and establish consequences for crossing them. Make sure that the punishments are age appropriate. And after that, parents should speak to their children and explain to them what will and will not be tolerated. Praise your child and give him/her some kinds of rewards when they cooperate and behave well. Reduce unnecessary rules: the more regulations you have, the less your child will obey and follow your guides. As a parent you should help your child feel less controlled by having more optimistic communication with him/her than pessimistic ones each day. Conclusion: In conclusion: As we have seen stubbornness is a very normal common behavior in children. Parents shouldnt just look at this behavior in a bad perspective; instead it could have a positive effect on their children. Understanding the reasons behind stubbornness in children will prepare the parents to be patient to overcome this issue. With proper knowledge and understanding, parents learn how to react to their childrens behavior. There are some certain methods that help a lot in dealing with stubborn children.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Education for Cosmopolis :: Learning Curriculum Essays

Education for Cosmopolis ABSTRACT: An education for Cosmopolis is a kind of mediation between a cultural matrix and the meaning and value it confers on personal and communal self-appropriation, as genuine human beings, through history. The main strategy for a cosmopolitan educative integrates, around the notion of Cosmopolis, the tasks of an education conceived as a personal achievement and an education conceived as a legacy one generation shares with another. Cosmopolis, as a higher viewpoint of a culture, is based on the power of detachment and disinterestedness of human spirit; it is not an utopia nor an imaginative synthesis. A cosmopolitan education is radically emancipative. It involves a dialectical self-appropriation of the dynamic unit of human consciousness in the variables of development. Self-appropriation involves a fourfold conversion: psycho-affective, intellectual, moral, and religious. A cosmopolitan education also teaches us to think historically, to reach a world-cultural community, and to withdraw from practicality to save practicality. These thoughts are developed from the work of Bernard J. F. Lonergan. I. The Educative Mediation Education (1) mediates between cultural matrices and the meaning and value they give to their personal and communal processes of self-appropriation and self-affirmation as genuine human beings in history. Lonergan means by "mediation": . . . any factor, quality, property, feature, aspect, that has a source, origins, ground, basis, and consequences, effects, derivatives, a field of influence, radiation, expansion, an expression, manifestation, revelation, outcome may be said to be immediate in the source, origin, ground, basis, and mediated in its consequences, effects, derivatives, outcome, in its field of influence, radiation, expansion, in its expression, manifestation, revelation (1984, p. 2; p. 12). Such is the general or simple notion of mediation. Education is immediate in the basis and mediated in its expansion. The basis of education lays in cultural matrices. They generate, transform, and share meanings and values by the product of several patterns of experience (inconscient, dramatic, biological, aesthetic, artistic, practical, intellectual, religious, etc.), and the spontaneous and self-correcting processes of learning, such as the human cooperation in labor, the human intersubjectivity in language and communication, and the cooperation with others as the basis of legitimate power in the community. The expansion of education is an historical self-consciousness that persons and communities would autonomously affirm. Conceived as a mutual self-mediation process, education combines two types of mediation: mutual mediation and self-mediation. As a mutual mediation education is a reciprocal relation, where its elements configure an interchanging "functional whole: there are at least two principles and each mediates the other or others" (p.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Garbage Pollution

I would like to acknowledge all the persons who have helped me to complete this assignment. These persons are my mother and my social studies teacher. Introduction This school based assessment is based on garbage pollution. The area chosen for survey on garbage pollution is the community of august town. You will learn about the causes that contribute to garbage pollution and the effects of it. The person’s views of garbage pollution will also be taken into consideration.All refuse other than industrial waste and effluents. It consists largely of easily decomposable and putrefying organic (animal and vegetable) waste from preparation, handling, storage, and sale of serving of food.Statement of Problem Why is garbage pollution one of the major issues of my community? What are the effects of it and how it can be solved? Reason for Investigation The reason for this investigation is due to inconsistency of appearances of the garbage collectors assigned to the august town community. And when the garbage is not collected it causes garbage pollution which attracts rodents and insects which can be dangerous to the human health due to the diseases that they carry. Another reason is to research and know different means by which the community cleanliness and beauty can improve.Method of Investigation The researcher has chosen the questionnaire as a use for the investigation in attaining data. It is a simple way of collecting data and does no requires too much time. Procedures for Data Collection The research was conducted on September 1, 2012, on garbage pollution in the community of august town. The researcher walked around the community and distributed 30 questionnaires, randomly to persons that were seen, including friends and family. The questionnaires were given to persons between the ages of 12 to 18 years old.Out of the total respondents 15 were females and 15 were males. Getting the information that was necessary for the questionnaire on the spot made it much easier and it also saved allot of time. But I ensured that each respondent spend enough time completing it so it wasn’t being done in much has te.Questionnaire for Community MembersSex Male ( )Female ( )Age 12-15yrs ( )16-18yrs ( )Where in August Town do you live? Central August Town ( ) Brycill ( ) Hermitage ( ) Goldsmith Villa ( ) Bedward Garden ( ) Vietnam ( ) Jungle 12 ( ) Barrette Drive ( ) Bedward Crescent ( ) July rd. )How long have you live in the community? 1-4yrs ( ) 5-7yrs ( ) 8-10yrs ( ) others ( )Are you an environmental friendly person? Yes ( ) No ( )Do you have a problem with garbage pollution? Yes ( ) No ( )Do you recognise how dangerous is garbage pollution to our environment? Yes ( ) No ( )How does garbage pollution affect you negatively? Causes flies to be around ( ) Attracts Rodents ( ) Emits foul scent ( )Do you think that politics has to deal with how good you get service for garbage collection? Yes ( ) No ( ) Not Sure ( )How often do the garbage collectors collect your garbage? Every day ( ) Weekly ( ) Monthly ( )What do you think can make the garbage collectors come on time? More money for their job s ( ) More discipline ( ) Fired if continuously unpunctual ( ) If they are treated with more respect from community members ( )Do you litter? Yes ( ) No ( ) Sometimes ( )Would you support recycling? Yes ( ) No ( ) Maybe ( )Have you ever called the garbage company about the corrosion of garbage? Yes ( ) No ( ) Thought about it ( )Has the rodents and insects attracted to the garbage pollution ever affected you with any sickness or diseases? Yes ( ) No ( )Do you treat the rubbish collectors with respect? Yes ( ) No ( ) Sometimes ( )What is the longest time the garbage collector has ever taken to collect your garbage? 1 Week ( ) 1 Month ( )2 Month ( ) 3 Month ( ) other ( )Have you ever witnessed someone in the community littering and you tell them to pick it up? Yes ( ) No ( ) Afraid ( ) No because I do the same ( )Who should be blamed for garbage pollution the most?Me ( ) Persons who litter on the street ( ) the government systems the garbage collectors ( )Who should be blamed if the g arbage pollution attracts insects and rodents which give leptospirosis, malaria, yellow fever and other diseases to children? Me ( ) persons who litter on the street ( ) the government system ( ) the garbage collectors ( )Presentation of data These are the views of the august town residents showing how often the garbage collectors collect their garbage. 3. 3% of them say that garbage is collected daily, 10% say that it is collected weekly, and 86. % of them say it is collected monthly. Suggested options from residents to make garbage collectors be more punctual These are the opinions of residents on what they think would make the garbage collectors be more punctual. 40% of the residents think that if they received more money for their jobs they would be more punctual. 30% of them believe that if they are treated with more respect from community members they would be more punctual. 16. 7% say that if they have more discipline they would come on time, and 13. 3% say that they should be fired if ontinuously unpunctual. This is a diagram showing the ratio of persons in percentages who litter, which also contributes to garbage pollution. Though 50% of the respondents litter sometimes, and 17% per cent of them do litter, I congratulate the 33% of the persons who do not litter. These persons are environmental friendly and contribute to the cleanliness of the environment. This is a representation of the longest period that garbage has been ever been collected. 3. 3% say that the longest garbage has ever been collected is a period of one week. 3% say that the longest time for collection is one month, 20% say two month, and 13. 3% say three months. And the other 30% say others which mean it extends the period of three months. This is a diagram which shows the persons being blamed for pollution by residents. 63% of the persons litter on the streets and are blamed for the pollution because they contribute to it the most. 13. 3% blame the government, 13. 3% blame the garbage collectors, and 10% says â€Å"me† which means they blame themselves for the pollution. Analysis of interpretation of dataGarbage pollution is a problem in the community that must be solved especially because of its negative effects such as; causing flies to be around, attracts rodents, and emits foul scent. During taking the views of the residents into consideration, I realised that most persons were affected negatively by the rodents.Pests such as rats were seen th e most as rodents, and can be very dangerous especially due to the fact that they can give diseases which are dangerous to humans. Most persons garbage is collected monthly which also contributes to pollution because it gives more time for the garbage to become in excessive amount.This causes more of the person’s garbage not being collected at a punctual time which makes the residents angry, frustrated, and wondering why does collection takes so long. One of the main problems is that the garbage collectors don’t come on time, which causes the garbage collection, but most persons believe that if they were being paid more money they would be more punctual. Some of the same persons who have a problem with the garbage pollution are some of the same ones who are contributing to it, especially the persons who litter on the street.There are also persons who do not litter but still has to face some of the effects of garbage pollution especially the amount of rodents. Another n egative effect is the long length of time that the garbage collectors take to collect the garbage, because the longer it takes for the garbage to be collected is the worse the pollution will be and the effects of it. During the various conversations with the residents I was informed that the longest garbage had not been collected for, is about three to six months.I think the government should implement garbage collection systems to ensure that these long periods of garbage collection be improved and do not take place again. Persons who are blamed the most for garbage pollution are the persons who litter on the street, especially because they make it difficult for the environment to be cleanly. Statement of finding * The persons who litter on the streets are seen as one of the main factors for garbage pollution.The longer the garbage is taken to be collected are the worse the garbage pollution gets and the negative effects of it. If garbage collectors are being paid more money their interest would be increased, so they would more likely collect the garbage’s on time. Recommendation As said before I the researcher believe that the government should implement garbage collection systems to ensure that these long periods of garbage collection be improved and do not take place again. The residents should also give the garbage collectors more respect, and make the environment better by not littering either. Bibliography Social Studies CSEC Module By; Rampersad Ramsawak and Ralph R. Umraw Garbage: Pollution Garbage pollution means littering civic waste particularly household waste into places not designated to dispose it off. It is mainly caused by mismanagement of solid waste when garbage is not lifted from streets and areas to carry it to landfill sites for its final disposal. It all happens owing to poor system of either garbage collection.Causes of garbage pollutionPollution of garbage increases in cities and towns where there is no proper system of garbage collection. Households have to simply collect the entire garbage of their houses and place it to outside home in dustbin or bag. Its collection is the task of civic agency of the area. If garbage collection agency or contractor does not play its role properly and does not collect the garbage regularly then the problem of this kind of pollution would obviously arise.Improper disposal mechanism is another cause of this type of pollution. If garbage collection agency simply collects the entire garbage of its area of responsibility b ut does not dispose it off in proper landfill site then it would litter around here and there and most of it would pile up in streets and other areas. It would eventually cause several diseases due to mushrooming growth of harmful bacteria in it. Effects of garbage pollutionIn least developed countries mostly garbage is dumped in open or freely available places and to make its final disposal entire garbage is burnt and no one stops them because of un-awareness. Burning garbage not only adds land pollution after being fully burnt but it also becomes source of air pollution by emitting harmful gases while burning. It is called one of the worst air polluting acts because it remains directly in breathing zone of human beings.Garbage pollution is main cause of various bacterial diseases and gastro is one of them. Moreover, typhoid, malaria and various infectious diseases are also caused by it. Mosquitoes and other insects amasses in places where there are piles of garbage and ultimately spread various diseases in the  area. Solutions for garbage pollutionThe key solution for garbage pollution lies in proper management of solid waste. Apart from that there are three slogans to address this issue; reduce, reuse and recycle. In this way garbage pollution issue could be solved with simply community efforts. Here reduce means to generate garbage less means fully use the thing and then treat it as garbage like write on every inch of a paper and then through it as useless. Similarly reuse means if possible use again and again an item instead of throwing it away; for example if you buy oil in a bottle so after consuming that oil use the bottle to keep any other liquid item in it like liquid soap or dish washer liquid etc. Recycle means instead of disposing of garbage in landfill site sort out from it the things which can be made reusable after slight treatment to it like cans, tins, bottles et

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Awesome Love Quotes Through the Ages

Awesome Love Quotes Through the Ages What is love without expression? One of the ways to express love is by writing the classic love letter. If you happen to be the inventive and poetic kind, then writing a love letter is probably effortless. However, if you are a regular person who wants to pen a few lines for your beloved, then the following awesome love quotes could be of help. Paulo Coelho I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. Phoenix Flame Marriage is love personified. Swedish Proverb Love is like dew that falls on both nettles and lilies. Turkish Proverb Young love is from the earth, and late love is from heaven. Douglas Yates People who are sensible about love are incapable of it. Henry Miller â€Å"The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love.† James D. Bryden Love does not die easily. It is a living thing. It thrives in the face of all of   lifes  hazards, save  one: neglect. Anonymous The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you love them. Herman Hesse â€Å"If I know what love is, it is because of you.† Some of us think holding on makes us  strong; but  sometimes it is letting go. Jorge Luis Borges To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god. Gregory Maguire †¦and he kissed her and kissed her and kissed her, little by little by little. D. H. Lawrence I am in love - and, my God, it is the greatest thing that can happen to a man. I tell you, find a woman you can fall in love with. Do it. Let yourself fall in love. If you have not done so already, you are wasting your life. Julian Barnes Love is just a system for getting someone to call you darling after sex. Isha McKenzie-Mavinga On reflection, one of the things I needed to learn was to allow myself to be loved. Edmond Medina Things we do, we do for ourselves. But that which we love we have no choice but to give away. Norman Lindsay The best love affairs are those we never had. English Proverb Faults are thick where love is thin. Fyodor Dostoevski Love in action is a harsh and dreadful thing compared with love in dreams. Lao Tzu Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Friedrich Nietzsche Women can form a  friendship  with a man very  well; but  to preserve it to that end a slight physical antipathy must probably help. Barbara Bush I married the first man I ever kissed. When I tell this to my children, they just about throw up. Sara Paddison As you continue to send out love, the energy returns to you in a regenerating spiral... As love accumulates, it keeps your system in balance and harmony. Love is the tool, and more love is the end product. Jane Austen You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope†¦I have loved none but you.